Metals possess a distinctive set of physical properties that distinguish them from non-metals. They are renowned for their excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, enabling efficient transfer of electricity and heat. Additionally, metals exhibit notable malleability, allowing them to be shaped into thin sheets, and ductility, enabling them to be drawn into wires. Their characteristic metallic luster arises from their ability to reflect light due to free electrons on their surface. Metals also tend to have high densities, providing strength and durability in various applications.


1. Define the term "metal" and list its key physical properties.

2. Recall examples of metals commonly used in electrical conductivity applications.

3. Identify the characteristic that gives metals their metallic luster.

4. Explain why metals are good conductors of electricity and heat.

5. Describe how malleability and ductility contribute to the versatility of metals in          manufacturing processes.

6. Summarize the relationship between the density of metals and their strength in      structural applications.

7. Apply the properties of metals to suggest suitable uses for specific metals in              industrial applications.

8. Use knowledge of metallic properties to predict the behavior of a metal under different environmental conditions.

9. Compare and contrast the thermal conductivity of different metals based on their atomic structures.

10. Analyze how variations in the crystal structure of metals affect their mechanical properties.

11. Design a new alloy with specific physical properties suitable for a given engineering application.

12. Create a flowchart illustrating the steps involved in the fabrication of a metal component based on its physical properties.

13. Evaluate the effectiveness of different metals in specific industrial applications based on their physical properties.

14. Critique the selection of a metal for a given application, considering its properties and potential alternatives.


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